DRUG VICTIM „Mongrel“ EP (green)
€ 6.00
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DRUG VICTIM „Mongrel“ 6.00 EUR / 25zl
(Crew Cuts+Blind Rage+Boslevan+Angry Hungry) Six minutes. That is all it takes for Plymouth powerviolence merchants Drug Victim to steam roll through their latest EP and pummel the listener in the face, shaking them in a way they won’t forget in a hurry. In true powerviolence fashion the quartet have squeezed as much intensity and ferocious energy into seven tracks which make up Mongrel in a short time frame. The trouble which bands playing this fast can sometimes encounter is a case of blink and you miss it, but with Drug Victim it feels like their music isn’t fast for the sake of being fast, everything seems to be thought out and structured in a specific way. Rather than this being an all out assault on your ears, which can sometimes be the case with powerviolence bands, Drug Victim have constructed this EP in a way that it hits may check marks for hardcore punk fans. You want a bit to two-step? Sure that’s in there. You want blast beats? There are plenty. You want to mosh? This is catered for. It may not be long in stature, but Mongrel packs so much punch into such a short space of time that your head will be rattled by the thought of what you have just listened to and will need to immediately revisit it to make sure you did just experience what you did. – Tim Birkbeck, Just An Insight.