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FUCK IT I QUIT “In the shadow of extinction” EP (black)


148 in stock

FUCK IT I QUIT “In the shadow of extinction” 5,00 EUR / 20zł (black)
Those who remember Hardcore in the 90s, surely remember Ensign from New Jersey. Their singer Tim is back now with a new band, though don’t exactly expect to find a continuation of their sound… Fuck It I Quit is an outlet for the anger and rage that follows the observation of the modern world. This is a raw and noisy hardcore with political commentary and aesthetic reminiscent of a time when punk was more than
just a safe style of music. This sonic assault on the ears is inspired by Japanese, American and British anarcho-punk / grindcore / hardcore / noise of the 80s and does not stop with just that. At the forefront are the lyrics about things such as animal rights and related environmental issues, human rights and specifically pro-women/pro-LGBTQ issues, and critiquing the toxic imperialism/corporatism and ethno-nationalism that runs rampant in the world. And though straight edge is not specifically a part of the message here, it also has a significant impact on the character of the band. 
Now, when madman is behind the wheel of this world, no one here is going to be passive and quiet.