20.00 zł
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INKWIZYCJA “Słowo” 20zł / 5 EUR
(Nikt Nic Nie Wie) This is Polish hardcore/punk at its finest: Inkwizycja were the legends of Polish HC punk scene, they were formed back in 1989 by U.O.M. members and they were the very first band from Poland that released a self – released record in 1991 (Na Własne Podobieństwo LP). According to Hardcore Holocaust “One of their concerts was banned by the local bishop who got mad seeing posters for Inkwizycja and Amen concert in his town”.
Słowo was released in 1998 by Nikt Nic Nie Wie and consists of five tracks of punk hardcore with heavy and emotional riffs, great leading guitar parts and nice bass lines.