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LETHAL OVERDOSE “Unfinished business” LP


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LETHAL OVERDOSE “Unfinished business” 13,00 EUR / 52zł
(Collision Course) First-ever album release for this obscure Australian hardcore/crossover act. Recorded in 1988 and apparently sold on cassette at the band’s shows around that time period, that cassette is unfortunately the only existing source, and we all know how well cassettes hold up over time. However, a quality transfer and remastering job results in a remarkably decent sound. Very reminiscent of a crossover but pre-metal D.R.I. Fast and tight, anti-religion, anti-government, anti-war and anti-melody! Great riffs, intelligent lyrics, the occasional thrashy guitar lead, and just enough variety to keep things interesting in this very confining style. My only complaint is that there’s nothing in the liner notes in the way of band history, and an internet search yielded very little, other than the fact that three of these songs were actually released in 1989 on a four-band Aussie comp called Thankyou Charles. Nonetheless, an excellent find and worth picking up.  –Chad Williams (Razorcake)