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SHAKING HEADS „Shaking Heads“ LP


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SHAKING HEADS „Shaking Heads“ 12,00 EUR / 50zł
(Ken Rock+Flycktsoda) After a great demo tape Sweden’s Shaking Heads are back with their first long player. This four piece creates some pretty captivating music. The band is fronted by Jenny who has a really strong vocal presence. She sings melodically loud and proud giving their songs a slight poppy edge, while the backing band carries the tunes with a driving punk rock force. The occasional surf riff sneaks in here and there and a few of the songs strut with a wirey post punk grit that definitely keep your ears on their toes. All ten of these songs are very well written and sound like a culmination of Terrible Feelings, the Go-Gos and Gang Of Four. Fun listen. Import from Sweden.