THE HORROR „The fear, the terror, the horror“ CD
€ 1.50
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THE HORROR „The fear, the terror, the horror“ 1,50 EUR / 5zł
(Chainsaw Safety+Violent Change) This post-Voorhees thrash monster again delivers the goods, with eighteen tracks racing by in just under twenty-two minutes like the Energizer Bunny hyped up on cocaine and meth. Although the hyperspeed stuff inflicts some serious damage, the full-on piledriver knockout moves come when they ease up on the velocity a bit, move into slow burn, and just pummel the senses, like on “Coal Not Dole.” The Thatcher and Reagan references are a bit dated, especially seeing this stuff is brand spankin’ new, but on the whole they got it goin’ on, baby doll. –jimmy (Razorcake)