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GRIMLY FORMING/ROLEX split 23.00 EUR / 105zł

(11 PM+Under The Gun) The decline of western civilization continues to ensue, and bands like Rolex and Grimly Forming continue to rattle the walls of the LA punk scene with menacing hardcore mania. On their latest split, these bands combine forces to double the threat, though their styles are distinctly unique. Side A: Grimly Forming delivers unrelenting blows to the head with their sinister Fear meets United Mutations flavor of US hardcore. Their riffs are abrasive and discordant. The vocals are deeply evil. The vibes are very harsh. Side B:  Rolex Pummel listeners with chaotic rhythms and scratchy, off-kilter violent jangle. On this split the band went in more of a clean-hardcore direction- think Bad Brains meets Minutemen- the drums and guitars going bonkers. Then they threw in some tactical thrash going a million miles an hour while high on a million beers just for fun. Calculated and pulverizing mayhem. This split is a double feature of wonky, LA punk at its best. Grimly Forming and Rolex are Apex ripp