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MODERN GUILT “Do not panic!” EP (Monument version)


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MODERN GUILT “Do not panic!” 9.00 EUR / 40zł

(Monument+Quarantined) Hailing from Gothenburg, Sweden, Modern Guilt channels the raw energy of ’80s hardcore – a sound reminiscent of pioneers like Uniform Choice, Youth Of Today, and Minor Threat – while injecting their own style and melodic expression. “The lyrics and message of Modern Guilt revolve around Straight Edge, but also address political issues that are important to us. The title ‘Do Not Panic’ is really a callout for PMA: to stay calm, do what you can to not be part of the problem, and influence people to do better in a world that’s messed up in so many ways.”
– Peter Bader, Modern Guilt

Featuring members of Subject To Change, Division Of Laura Lee, Anchor, Eyes Shut, Pablo Matisse, and Out Of Vogue, the band brings a wealth of experience and dedication to their craft